
Chromed or painted metal structure, multicolored technopolymer shell.

Find out colors and essences


  • Four leg chair structure
    Four leg chair structure 46
  • Four leg chair structure
    Four leg chair structure 45
  • Four leg chair structure
    Four leg chair structure 52
  • Four leg chair structure
    Four leg chair structure 81
  • Stackable

Contemporary Touch

The contemporary touch belongs to us all, the designers of our style and of our taste. Product quality is the real star and identifies with the technical essence of the product, enabling the harmonious dialogue between forms, materials and colours to be perceived.

Colours and Woods

    • Shell
      • Bianco / Grigio Perla / Grigio Scuro
        Bianco / Grigio Perla / Grigio Scuro
        Bianco / Grigio Perla / Grigio Scuro
        Bianco / Grigio Perla / Grigio Scuro
      • Verde Scuro / Verde Chiaro / Grigio Scuro
        Verde Scuro / Verde Chiaro / Grigio Scuro
        Verde Scuro / Verde Chiaro / Grigio Scuro
        Verde Scuro / Verde Chiaro / Grigio Scuro
      • Grigio Scuro / Rosso / Bianco
        Grigio Scuro / Rosso / Bianco
        Grigio Scuro / Rosso / Bianco
        Grigio Scuro / Rosso / Bianco
      • Grigio Perla / Lavanda / Blu Scuro
        Grigio Perla / Lavanda / Blu Scuro
        Grigio Perla / Lavanda / Blu Scuro
        Grigio Perla / Lavanda / Blu Scuro
      • Grigio Scuro / Bianco / Giallo
        Grigio Scuro / Bianco / Giallo
        Grigio Scuro / Bianco / Giallo
        Grigio Scuro / Bianco / Giallo
    • Structure
      • Cromo
      • Bianco

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